Monday, April 25, 2011

All's well in worm heaven!

I just checked the worms and they are fine.  There is even some worm castings!!  I seemed a bit dryed out so I sprinkled the tub with a bit of water.  I have WAY more food than I do worms.  I may need to get some more worms...hmmm

I have noticed, when telling people about my adventure, I get a very mixed reaction.  They are either really interested or really grossed out!  LOL

Until next time...Brenda :)

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Welcome home worms!

I had a crazy idea one day.  So, I started my research.  After MUCH reading on the internet, I decided to do my own worm composting.  I got some bins, saved some food and coffee grounds for about two weeks and finally got the worms yesterday.  We are starting small with about 50 worms from the bait but they should multiply quickly.

So when the worms finally arrived (oh I had been waiting with huge anticipation!) we dumped them in their new home.  I covered them up and about a half hour later....I HAD TO LOOK!  They were already migrating over to the food!  How cool is that.  I have refrained from looking today (so far!) and hope to stay out of it for a couple of days.  I think it's going to be hard

This is fresh food and bedding

This is the food and bedding about 2 weeks later.  All it needs is a little spritz of water and some worms!

And the worms!!  I added them right to the bedding and covered them up with more wet bedding.  I am going to leave them alone for a couple of days and then check and see what they are doing.  Yay, this is FUN!

Thanks for reading. Brenda :)